Arts Ministry
Arts Ministry
The Media Ministry is here to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ visually through the use of technology and media. We also help to equip other ministries of the church to use digital and electronic media as a worship and outreach tool. Our goal is to enhance the worship experience,whilecommunicating with the congregation, extending the congregation beyond the walls of the church, and edifying the message.
This Media Ministry will not only provide the technical support required for our worship services, but also to record various events, teachings and sermons, which are made available on CD or watching here on our web site.
When: Sunday at 10:00am and Wednesday at 7:00pm
Where: Faith In Action Church Sound Room
The Dance Ministry is to serve and demonstrate truth through the ministry of dance. We are used as vessels to bring forth the word of God through movement. We also utilize our God given gifts and talents to minister in creative performances. The dance ministry performs during church services, at various events and special occasions.
The word of God encourages us to praise God with a dance. Therefore we create dance routines to suit the specific event or occasion, all to the glory of God. We do everything in excellence and therefore take our time to perfect each move. We also share the word of God with one another and pray together building bonds of unity and thus creating a stronger dance ministry.
When: Monthly
Where: Faith In Action Church Sanctuary
The Music Ministry serves as one body united in spirit and purpose to create an atmosphere of worship. It is comprised of skilled musicians, anointed singers and powerful lyricists. Our sole intention is to usher every yielded heart into the presence of God and prepare hearts for the word of God.
When: Weekly
Where: Faith In Action Church Sanctuary
Who: Apostle Marvin Smith and William Mosby
The Drama Ministry will serve God through a multiplicity of gifts and talents with a goal to transform and impact lives through acting. The Drama Ministry adds the visual dimension that engages our sense of sight into action along with our sense of hearing. This ministry is sure to get the attention of the audience through performance, as well as ministering the word of God.
When: Monthly
Where: Faith In Action Church Sanctuary
Who: Elder JaMara Smith